Digitalno financiranje
Naše projekte financirajo
Vačer za digitalni marketing
»Naložbo Vavčer za digitalni marketing (izdelavo spletne strani, spletne trgovine in rezervacijske platforme) sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj«.
V okviru javnega poziva za Vavčer za digitalni marketing smo v podjetju pridobili sofinanciranje in izvajamo postavitev nove spletne strani, spletne trgovine in rezervacijske platforme. Namen in cilj javnega poziva je spodbuditi ciljne skupine iz točke 4 tega javnega poziva k uvajanju digitalnega marketinga, s čimer se bo povečala njihova konkurenčnost, dodana vrednost oz. prihodki.
Več informacij o evropski kohezijski politiki v Sloveniji je na voljo na:
Voucher for digital marketing
“Investment Voucher for digital marketing (creation of a website, online store and reservation platform) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund”.
As part of the public call for Digital Marketing Voucher, we obtained co-financing in the company and are implementing the setting up of a new website, online store and booking platform. The purpose and goal of the public call is to encourage the target groups from point 4 of this public call to introduce digital marketing, which will increase their competitiveness, added value or Revenues.
Other founding
“Investment Voucher for digital marketing (creation of a website, online store and reservation platform) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund”.
As part of the public call for Digital Marketing Voucher, we obtained co-financing in the company and are implementing the setting up of a new website, online store and booking platform. The purpose and goal of the public call is to encourage the target groups from point 4 of this public call to introduce digital marketing, which will increase their competitiveness, added value or Revenues.